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Five HCA Students Earn Honors from College Board National Recognition Programs

Five HCA Students Earn Honors from College Board National Recognition Programs
David Beall

Hebron students excelled in College Board assessments and schoolwork to earn these awards, which colleges use to identify academically competitive underrepresented students

DACULA, Ga. – Five Hebron Christian Academy students have earned academic honors from the College Board National Recognition Programs the organization announced this week. 

These National Recognition Programs grant underrepresented students with academic honors that can be included on college and scholarship applications and connect students with universities across the country, helping them meaningfully connect to colleges and stand out during the admissions process. 

HCA was represented by the following students in conjunction with their area of recognition.

Amelia Jemal – National African American Recognition Award
Arianna Melton – National African American Recognition Award
Isabella Annett – National Hispanic Recognition Award
Peter Ziegler – National Hispanic Recognition Award
Sofia Perez – National Hispanic Recognition Award

"Academic excellence is earned through thousands of good decisions, long hours of study, and a consistent work ethic,” said HCA Head of School Dr. James Taylor. “We are so proud of our Hebron Christian Academy students for being recognized for their academic success."

Colleges and scholarship programs identify students awarded National African American, Hispanic, Indigenous and/or Rural/Small Town Recognition through College Board’s Student Search Service.

Students who may be eligible have a GPA of 3.5 or higher and have excelled on the PSAT/NMSQT or PSAT 10, or earned a score of 3 or higher on two or more AP Exams; and are African American or Black, Hispanic American or Latinx, Indigenous, and/or attend school in a rural area or small town.

“We want to honor the hard work of these students through the College Board National Recognition Programs. This program creates a way for colleges and scholarship programs to connect directly with underrepresented students who they are hoping to reach,” said Tarlin Ray, College Board senior vice president of BigFuture. “We hope the award winners and their families celebrate this prestigious honor and it helps them plan for their big future.” 

Eligible students are invited to apply during their sophomore or junior year and will be awarded at the beginning of the next school year. Students will receive their awards in time to include them on their college and scholarship applications.