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Hebron Christian Academy
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Hebron Christian Academy

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Annual Fund


The 2023-24 Annual Fund Campaign is a two-week initiative from Sept. 11 through Sept. 24 with the ultimate goal of having 100% family participation.

The why behind the annual fund

HCA’s tuition dollars cover everyday operating expenses. The Advancement Department raises the funds for any additional costs or needs of the school. These funds include capital campaigns, Georgia GOAL, and the Annual Fund. The Annual Fund covers expenses outside the school's regular operating budget. These unrestricted gifts are a significant area of need, allowing the administration to determine where gifts will make the greatest impact. 

Some examples may include:

  • Transportation Needs

  • Security Enhancements

  • Technology Upgrades

  • Facility Enrichment




join us!

HCA is asking all families contribute to the Annual Fund, regardless of the gift amount, so we can immediately and meaningfully impact each student’s daily experience. 

Join us as we work to achieve 100% parent participation and make HCA Stronger Together.  All gifts are tax-deductible.