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Hebron Christian Academy
Hebron Christian Academy
Hebron Christian Academy

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Lower School


Hebron Christian Academy’s Lower School includes K4 through 5th grade.

We provide a nurturing environment for learning, allowing parents the opportunity to be involved in their child’s education through volunteering in the classroom, chaperoning field trips, and attending special events. Our teachers are committed to and passionate about helping students learn God’s divine purpose for their lives in every area of academics.

We offer a challenging academic curriculum, with a biblical worldview, that includes math, language arts, science, history, music, physical education, art, library skills, Spanish, and technology. There are also many ways for students to grow and be challenged outside the classroom. It is our goal to provide a strong academic program within a nurturing environment for our students, where every child can feel safe, comfortable, and loved. 

a place to belong


Check out our school!

Take a quick look around our Lower School andย see why so many people are making Hebron Christian Academy a home for their children to be challenged academically, while being immersed inย aย biblical worldview.

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"It is our hope that we can instill a life-long love of learning as we pour into the lives of our students."
Cayce waters


A Welcome from our Principal

Welcome to Hebron Christian Academy! Our Lower School campus provides a challenging academic program within a nurturing environment for students in grades Pre-Kย through fifth, where every child can feel safe, comfortable, and loved. Our teachers serve as Godly role models, and desire for each student to know Jesus in a personal way and grow in their relationship with Him. As they daily share their love for Christ through the gift of instruction in the classroom, each subject area is approached from a biblical worldview.

HCA offers a challenging academic curriculum that includes math, language arts, science, history, music, physical education, art, library skills, Spanish, and technology. There are also many ways for students to grow and to be challenged outside of academics. We have chorus opportunities, musical/drama performances, art shows, chapel programs, yearbook, and running club. Through the leadership of our missions team, we have multiple opportunities for our students to be the hands and feet of Jesus. We teach our children the value of serving those in the community around us.

We are a family here at HCA, and parents are a vital part of all that we do. Through the leadership of our HPA (Hebron Parent Association) board, parent involvement is encouraged and valued. You will see parents on a daily basis volunteering in our clinic, serving food in the lunchroom, and working in the library and classrooms.

Please stop by to visit our campus and meet our students, faculty, and staff. I believe you will see that Hebron Christian Academy is a great place to be!

In Him,ย 

Cayce Waters
Lower School Principal




Meet the Lower School Teachers & Staff




inside our K4 Program


A Place to Learn and Growย 

It is our desire to meet all the needs of our early learners so we lay the ground work forย which they will build a strong foundation for their academic future.

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K4 Program Details

With class sizes of 14 students, children receive large and small group instruction, with independent time in the classroom to work on fine motor skills. The K4 schedule includes a different “specials” class each day of the week and multiple trips to the playground per day.

Our K4 teachers hold both state and ACSI certifications, and the curriculum is aligned with State of Georgia K4 standards with the addition of Biblical integration. 

  • The full-day program schedule is five days a week from 8:10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
  • Age Requirement - students must be four years old by Sept. 1.
  • Before and after school care is available through our Extended Day Program.

"We know God created each student as an academic being, a social being, an emotional being, and also a spiritual being. At Hebron Christian Academy, our desire is to develop the whole child so they are prepared for the world in which we live."Cayce waters, lower school principal





The HCA Lower School Student/Parent Handbook is available to all students and their families, and it is their responsibility to be familiar with its contents. The primary purpose of the Handbook is to provide information related to all aspects of student life, as well as policies and regulations applicable to HCA students and their families. Ignorance of a policy or regulation will not be considered an excuse for failure to observe it. HCA reserves the right to alter the policies and regulations stated in the Lower School Student/Parent Handbook, and every effort will be made to keep students and parents advised of changes. 

lower school handbook